The average family feeding their infant baby formula pays approximately $150 a month. Considering others in your family must eat as well, combining the hefty cost of formula with other needed groceries puts a strain on the household budget. Luckily, several options exist for lowering your overall formula expenditures.
In some instances, you get your formula for free. You must be willing to do a little legwork and remain committed to the search regularly.
If breastfeeding is not an option and you must bottle feed, then the cost of formula is going to be substantial for at least a year or more. The following ideas allow you to provide formula for your baby without sacrificing quality.
Many tips and hacks for saving on baby’s formula include asking for free samples from your pediatrician or general physician, using a coupon stacking plan or reaching out directly to the formula company. Other suggestions show you how to make the formula go further with less waste. Combine several, or all, of the following tips to save significantly on your baby formula spending each month.
Tip #1: Use Powdered Baby Formula
The powdered baby formula is less expensive than the ready-made formula and you realize a savings simply by selecting the powdered version and mixing it up yourself. Select the cow’s milk powdered formulations as opposed to the soy milk option as it is less expensive.
Only do this if your child is not allergic to cow’s milk. Your pediatrician informs you if this is the case. Additionally, any formula you try must be weighed against the ease of digestion by your baby. If it upsets his or her stomach, then the savings are not worth it.
Tip#2: Find Baby Formula on Sale and Buy in Bulk
Make a point of searching for the latest sales on baby items, especially formula. When a formula your baby likes goes on sale, buy additional cans of it. Stockpile it so that when the formula is not on sale you can afford to wait.
Make sure others on your social media network know which brands your baby favors and extend your search and reach for the good deals. Often friends and family purchase it in their area then ship it to you to help.
Tip #3: Ask for Samples
Most pediatrician’s offices carry multiple samples from multiple brands. Do not feel embarrassed to ask, because they know how expensive formula is. Sales reps drop off vast amounts of formula samples at pediatrician’s offices and the staff are often more than willing to give it to you if you ask.
Tip #4: Consider Off Brand Formulas
Brand name formula is often no more nutritionally complete or of a higher quality than brandless formula. By law baby formula must meet basic standards.
Often generic baby formula is much cheaper, but your baby may be picky about the type of formula he or she takes, so experiment with the generic before making a large purchase.
Tip #5: See if Insurance Covers the Cost
If your child has allergies and must have a specific type of formula, reach out to your healthcare plan or insurance provider to see if the cost of the special formula is covered.
Many parents are unaware of this specific benefit and therefore do not keep documentation, such as receipts, to receive reimbursement.
Tip #6: Go to the Baby Formula Source
Many formula companies offer free samples or coupons through their website or baby club programs. Enfamil and Similac both maintain such programs and members are offered, on average, hundreds of dollars in benefits. Make sure to check your baby formula’s social media pages too as
Tip #7: Purchasing Clubs
Many purchasing clubs offer rebates on items you already purchase. Several of the most popular are eBates and Ibotta. If you have time to sign up and complete the required tasks, you receive cash back on purchases you make. Combined with other strategies you can save significantly on baby formula each month.
Tip #8: Local Hospitals offer Baby Formula
Most local hospitals, like doctor’s offices, have a large supply of baby formula samples. They maintain these stockpiles to give to new mothers for them to determine which brand their infants prefer.
You may find them willing to part with a few additional samples and some coupons if you ask. Contact your local hospital directly to speak with someone about what may be available.
Tip #9: Discounted Baby Formula from Manufacturers
Get full-sized samples from many companies for the cost of shipping (which is much less than purchasing the formula). Nature’s One and Parent’s Choice are two of the more popular high-quality baby formula companies. Both of these companies produce formula designed for babies with allergies or dietary intolerances.
Tip #10: Learn About the Women, Infants and Children Program
Consider this governmental program if you are considered low income. Simply speak with your pediatrician, visit your local health clinic or women’s health center to find out how to apply.
Once in the program you receive benefits to cover the cost of formula and food for your baby, and other children in the home under five years of age.
Tip #11: Buy Baby Formula Cheaper Online
Save significantly by purchasing your baby formula online. Order directly from the manufacturer, large online retailers who offer free shipping, or purchasing clubs offering deep discounts.
Amazon is one of the largest, but good deals are available via other large stores such as Target, Walmart or Babies R Us.
Tip #12: Research Food Pantries Locally
Most food pantries do have an income or need based criteria, but baby formula is a commodity operating under slightly different guidelines in some locales. This makes it difficult to locate baby formula in your area in some instances.
Do a quick online search on the keywords “food for babies near me”. This yields several local food banks, pantries and charities with baby formula. Make sure to reach out before visiting to make sure they carry baby formula and if you qualify to receive it from them.